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Piston type regulating valve
Product introduction

Product standard: 27L.01 Q/TF-B

Nominal pressure: PN0.6-1.6MPa

Nominal diameter: DN250-1600mm

To adapt to the temperature is not higher than 80 DEG

Material: grey cast iron, nodular cast iron, cast iron

Sealing material: Rubber - stainless steel

Seal leakage: GB/T13927 a

Transmission: manual, electric, hydraulic transmission

The valve through the piston in the valve in the direction of the centerline of the pipeline reciprocating motion, increase or decrease the outlet area, adjust the flow rate. Valve outlet has four forms: E type suitable for throttling, F type suitable for open and close, S, L type suitable for regulation. The utility model can be made into an automatic regulating type, and the medium parameters such as flow rate, pressure, etc. can be adjusted. It is widely used in reservoir water diversion, urban water supply and industrial water supply.

Outline and installation dimensions
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